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  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Lesson 03/04


CLE Positive Reaction 

If you want to learn more about what a CLE + reaction is, please visit the Introduction section.

After provocation, for positive allergen reaction you need to see both criteria: fluorescence leakage and cell shedding into the lumen.

You may review the various image interpretation sets before doing some self training questions. 

1 Fluorescence leakage into the lumen (bright lumen, often brighter than the villi) - Origin: CLE Positive reaction after provocation.png

Fluorescence leakage into the lumen (bright lumen, often brighter than the villi)

Example 1: CLE Positive reaction after provocation

2 Fluorescence leakage into the lumen (bright lumen, often brighter than the villi) - Origin: CLE Positive reaction due to leaky gut.png

Fluorescence leakage into the lumen (bright lumen, often brighter than the villi)

Example 2: CLE Positive reaction due to leaky gut

3 Cell shedding into the lumen (dark dots) - Origin: CLE Positive reaction after provocation.png

Cell shedding into the lumen (dark dots)

Example: CLE Positive reaction after provocation


Organ: Duodenum
Investigated pathology: IBS - Cellvizio Food Intolerance Test 
Probe type: GastroFlex UHD
Laser wavelength: 488 nm
Courtesy: Prof. Dr. med. Ralf Kiesslich, Helios HSK Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, Germany

Organ: Duodenum
Investigated pathology: IBS - Cellvizio Food Intolerance Test 
Probe type: GastroFlex UHD
Laser wavelength: 488 nm
Courtesy: Prof. Dr. med. Ralf Kiesslich, Helios HSK Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, Germany

These criteria have been reported and assessed in clinical studies. Other criteria of interpretation might exist. Thus whenever possible, confirmatory evaluation via conventional histopathology or any other clinical information is recommended.